YouTube is the ubiquitous video sharing website. At YouTube you can view other people's videos and post your own videos. You can easily upload and share (with your students and others) the video you made of your walking tour of Stratford-upon-Avon, along with your own commentary. Or you can find another video of interest to share. YouTube has an enormous number of educational and instructional videos in addition to those of co-eds on spring break.
The service is free. It is not within the scope of this workshop to explain how to use YouTube. If you do want to use it, YouTube has great guides on its use. Once you have some videos, you can easily embed them into your blog posts.
To embed videos:
- Make an account at YouTube.
- Upload your own videos or find videos you would like to embed. YouTube is a video sharing site, so people expect that their videos will be shared and posted by others.
- Copy the "embed" code (to the right of the video you want).
- Using Blogger's "Posting" tool, select the "Edit Html" tag.
- Paste the code.
- You can then switch to "Compose" mode and add text to your post.
At the right I have added a Blogger widget that links to YouTube. It uses the keywords spam, archaeology, art, World of Warcraft, and Renaissance.